Sunday, May 07, 2006


Did some more work on the pond by extending it.I did this by digging out more soil around the sides so instead of them slopeing they are now fairly level to the ground making it easier for the wildlife to enter and exit the pond.Still lots to do!!!


mim said...

Hello Bex, are the boards there to prove you can walk on water or to make unwelcome visitors walk the plank. Then again they could be diving boards for frogs and birds. hahaha hehehe

yours mim

bexsallotment said...

Hi Mim.The boards are there to let the wildlife in and out of the pond until i get the stones etc around the sides.I suppose i could make it into a waterpark for them though hehe :)

NoForkandGood said...

If she could walk on water, why would she need boards? (she=the cats mother :D )

mim said...

Bex I think you are are doing a fantastic job.

Keep up the good work and not to much digging I say, get someone else to do it.
